How to be an Adult in 5 (Semi-Easy) Steps

1. Get Yourself Some Socks That Match
Maybe it’s just me, but I spend a majority of my time wearing socks that don’t quite match. It’s not that I don’t buy them in pairs, it’s that I am horrible at doing laundry and I am pretty sure my dryer eats my socks as a means of functioning. When I feel like being an adult, I just hit up Target and buy myself some matching socks and BAM, I’m now a functioning adult.

2. Get Yourself on a Budget
If you are anything like me, a budget is a quasi-foreign concept which involves pretending that you’re saving your receipts but just throwing them out when your wallet starts overflowing. Sometimes I wonder if my inability to budget has something to do with my inability to do basic math, and while that is probably the case, websites like are easy solutions. It even e-mails me when I go over my “Coffee Budget” …for the third time this month.

3. Get Enough Sleep
Listen, we’re in college. We like to go out and get weird even though our parents have warned us time and time again that nothing good happens after 2 a.m. And that’s okay! But show me a person who has gone to sleep before midnight every night and I will show you someone I want to be when I grow up. I go to bed at ridiculous times of the night because I have zero self control. Things that keep me up at night include, but are not limited to the following:
— “Just one more episode of House of Cards.”
— “I’ve always wanted to look at my cousin’s best friend’s wedding photos”
— “Let me check twitter real quick.”
— “Remember that embarrassing thing you did when you were 12?”
— “Remember that embarrassing thing you did this morning?

So instead of doing these things, go ahead and try to get yourself on a sleep schedule that doesn’t involve only 3 hours a night. Your body will thank you for it.

4. Clean and Organize Your Space.
I consider my room to be a reflection of my life; when it is a mess, you know that I am a mess. I’m not saying that we are all slobs. Some college students are very neat, I am just not one of those people. For some reason, my room needs to be in a state of controlled chaos in order for me to find anything. If it’s organized, I am thrown off balance and just start making a mess looking for things that are in plain sight. When I walk into a place full of grown ups I feel like I walked into a museum, but a museum made out of items from the Container Store.

*5. Start Yourself on a Balanced Diet/Exercise Routine *
I don’t think that people try to eat things that are bad for them, I think it just happens. But real adults do things like take spin class every morning and drink kale smoothies. They wake up early to go to the gym and make time to prepare real food. It is all a very foreign concept to those of us who are living off of Easy Mac and go to the gym when classes and social commitments allow us to. I will know I am an adult when I can make like 8th grade me in D.A.R.E. class and JUST SAY NO to junk food. Until then, bring on the tater tots.

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