How to Survive Mercury in Retrograde

It’s that time again. That time where despite all odds, you feel like you’ve been swept up in a vortex of bad luck and can’t seem to shake it. This, my friends, is what happens when Mercury is in retrograde. Whether or not astrology is your cup of tea, I’m sure you’ve come across the phrase and probably even felt some of the residual effects from Mercury in retrograde without really even knowing what it is exactly. Retrograde is a term which means that from Earth, a planet appears to be spinning backward though it is just an optical illusion. This year, Mercury goes into retrograde three times the first starting tomorrow, February 6th and lasting through until the 28th. Here’s a little guide of what to expect and some tips for how to survive the retrograde.

The Good: Mercury in retrograde gives you a chance to re-examine different areas of your life from a new and fresh perspective so that you can be ready to move forward towards all the great things 2014 has in store.

The Bad: Mercury in retrograde makes it seem like everyone you know has gone crazy at the same time! More often than not you might find yourself getting into nonsensical arguments, your laptop crashing mid assignment and never being able to find a parking space.


- Save your papers often and back up your phones. (You will be so glad that you did.) – Resist the urge to splurge on those big purchases because more often than not there will be a little scratch on that iPhone you won’t see until after you buy. – Read the small print on any contract and ask lots of questions if making a big decision in the next few weeks like signing your lease for next year. Communication is a little crazy so try to get as much info as you can. – Get together with old friends-it’s a great time to catch up over coffee!

Honestly, the best thing to do is just “go with the flow. ”When you fight Mercury retrograde, that’s when things get really ugly. Move slowly and be careful. Don’t freak yourself out by expecting to be uber-productive right now. Take this time as a learning experience as you revisit old ideas only to spring ahead into action when Mercury goes direct in March.

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