Generation Rude

Imagine a world where people carry piles—thousands of books and magazines, gossip columns and newspapers— with them at all times. A world where people frequently throw paper airplane notes with surprising accuracy. A world where tin-can telephones are abound. A world where people lug big boom boxes & flat screen TVs with courteous headphones. A world where cameras and video recording equipment is slung on everyone’s shoulder and around everyone’s neck. Now, imagine that these surprisingly toned and muscle-bound people have four sets of arms, two heads, three sets of eyes and 12 ears. Yes… we almost live in that world.

It is humanly impossible to do 12 things at one time accurately. Because of this, let me put it to you very plainly:

You’re Rude. That is right. You are Rude. This is Generation Rude.

You don’t live in the present and you don’t respect where you are.

You’re rude. That is right. You are rude.

Friends, we live in one of the rudest “errors” of time. And yes, I mean “error,” not era. I will explain why in a minute. Or, if you read slow, in two or three.

This generation is rude. People actually think it’s acceptable to be on your phone and online all daylong.

We are an era of children. We don’t pay attention.

You would rather play games and have meaningless conversations all day than pay attention. You don’t care about being distracted or distracting other people. You walk down busy streets, talking and texting like your body is made of steel and dynamite. “Ain’t nobody ‘gonna hit me… I’m steel and dynamite!”

You go to class and you take out your phone, tablet or laptop under the guise of being “techie and productive” and ignore the professor. Come on! You are not taking notes.

You distract others that sit behind & beside you like there is “no tomorrow” and “no time like the present.” That funny YouTube video and your Minecraft sure is life or death stuff.

You go to work at as soon as no one is “baby monitoring” you. You’re on the phone texting away with your friend who is also “at work.”

You give the excuse that you work smarter, not harder when you just act ruder and dumber than any other era prior.

Yes, we are an era of children. We don’t pay attention.

You don’t live in the present and you don’t respect where you are.

Momma always told you to look both ways before you crossed the street.

Your family always said be polite… show respect.

Your teacher would take away recess if you were disruptive or didn’t pay attention.

Why is it that we live in a lifestyle that promotes lack of care, respect and focus?

Somebody try and speak to you… you can’t even hear them… you might not even see them.

That’s living dangerously.

The movie theater doesn’t allow talking or video recording, but you still find a way to tweet and text throughout.

The classroom doesn’t allow TV or Nintendo, but you are watching Hulu.

Your job requires you to work, not break, every second you can. But you do work to get around the rules and Facebook your “work day” away.

The street demands you to not just look, but pay attention. But you would rather be listing to music than hear a horn honking or notice a stalker stalking.

Kids don’t know how dangerous the world is, but 18 somethings should know, 30 somethings should know, 50 and somethings should know! It’s not just the young, but also the old.

This is Generation Rude.

We live in a generation of error. A generation of modern error.

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