Lady Gigi on Kissing: "You Can't Kiss Me!"

Question of the Day: Why is everyone kissing everyone all the time?

Dear world,

Okay. I only have one thing to say: Germs, germs, germs! Germs lead to sickness and disease. Your mouth is one of the foulest places on your body. Annnd well… you don’t know me.

A typical human mouth contains not thousands, but billions—YES BILLIONS— of bacteria.
I have never understood the promotion of kissing strangers in most movies I grew up with: Disney being the primary culprit.

I am a modest person for one, and don’t want your germs for two! Today, many people have various diseases in their mouths as well gingivitis (bleeding gums).

Even prescription drug commercials make mention of herpes of the mouth!

I don’t want your cold sores.

Did you know you can pass your filthy mouth germs on to your kids by kissing them on the lips? Not cute…or good parenting, for that matter!

I honestly don’t care about kissing anyone but my husband anyway.

So, I don’t care if it is our first date or if we have been together for a year. No Kissing!

Lady Gigi

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