Letter from the Editor: Summer 2018


It is difficult for me to believe that my time here is almost over. As my year long tenure as editor-in-chief comes to a close, I have struggled to reconcile my emotions attached to this publication. When I began at this magazine what seems like forever ago, I had no idea how this organization would impact my experience at this university. Garnet and Black became a space where I was free to create and surround myself with others who were equally passionate about their work. This quarterly, 56-page publication became a home. It is a place where I was free to discuss the way I saw the world and how I felt about it, and for those opinions to be taken seriously and respected. 

Although the journey as editor-in-chief was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done (you try running a staff of 25 people under the age of 23!) it has by far been one of the most rewarding experiences this university has ever given me. I am so infinitely grateful for the people who saw a light in me at the age of 18, convincing me that this could be a place I would thrive. It is not without the efforts of those who came before me that I would be able to write this letter, or even publish it. This realization was what motivated me through this final issue — realizing that my legacy at this publication didn’t stop when I walked out of my office for the last time, but that it would continue in the impact I would have on the future members of this magazine. Leaving a legacy of hard work, empathy towards the experiences of others, and above all the desire for the truth of the real student experience was what I realized I was brought to this magazine to do. It is with great satisfaction that I can say that I feel as though I have done that. 

To the future students who will continue to make beautiful things inside of these pages, I wish you all the best of luck. Though it will never be easy, it will always be worth it. Be proud of the work you create and enjoy it while you can. 

I couldn’t finish this letter from the editor without paying my dues. There are so many people I need to thank during this experience. To my creative director Rachel Johnson, thank you for being my balance. You have brought such exquisite taste and leadership to this publication and your visual impact has revolutionized the way this magazine looks. Thank you for giving us an identity and thank you for being a friend. 

I would additionally like to thank our readers. The community response to Garnet and Black’s development was something that I had not experienced yet during my time here. To know that we have provided a place where underrepresented people can see people they identify with, and that we have given a platform to those who have remained unheard from for too long is crucial to the future of this magazine, and I am thrilled to see the results. 

As always, thank you for reading.