Fish Out of Water: A Guy With No Style Attends Fashion Board

by Morgan Epperson / Garnet & Black

I have about an hour until the Fashion Board meeting starts. I’ve already showered, shaved—even combed my hair—and now I’m standing in front of my closet without the slightest clue what to wear.  I should note that I’m a nearly 24-year-old guy who doesn’t give clothes much thought—until I’m supposed to go to a club meeting specifically about such things and begin to think that perhaps an old black Ramones T-shirt is not the best choice.  After agonizing over it for 20 minutes or so, I pick a pair of jeans and a nicer shirt. 

When I get to the meeting place at the Coliseum, I find that the room has been changed last minute to one tucked into the corner of an offshoot hallway, and I’m lucky to have Fashion Board President Jessica Kiraly show me the way.  I learn that tonight they’re having a raffle and fashion swap.  They have a rack at the front of the room for members to hang the items they brought for the swap – things that I’m sure have more specific names, but in my mind register as only shirts, shorts and similarly generic terms.  Also, at the front, a table with a foil-looking cover holds the raffle prizes and their respective bags for placing one’s name in, along with a swath of Teen Vogue’s most recent issues and containers of brightly colored blue and purple candies. The prizes include hair products, a wallet, what I think is a coin purse, a scarf, something by Vera Bradley (whoever that is) and a movie night bundle that includes a “Just Friends” DVD.

The room isn’t quite full when I get there, and people continue to stream in after I find my seat.  I’m a little surprised that I don’t get the strange looks I expected for being a guy at this meeting, but as it turns out the Y-chromosome isn’t without representation. Stephen Reaves, the other male present besides me, says that he’s there to learn more about something he’s always found interesting.  

Before they get to the raffle and style swap, the announcements are made, listing the organization’s meetings and events for the semester.  These include Fashion Week, for which they have to decide on a T-shirt design.  They finally pick a wonderfully funny pun: “Open Minded, Clothes Minded.” 

When the group is asked to choose between crew neck and V-neck, they answer in unison: “V-neck!”   

Before going to this meeting, the only image of a fashion aficionado in my mind came from the five minutes of “The Devil Wears Prada” I’d seen, but I now know they’re as funny and interesting as the next person—just a bit better dressed.