When Life Gives You Lemons...


About 22 percent of people are currently on a diet. This number fluctuates as weight loss trends come and go. It is awful to think that things other than factual information influence the health industry. Those raspberry ketone pills? LOL. They will do about the same good for your health as those two pop-tarts you scarfed down at breakfast. But this is exactly the problem. We obsess for so long over the instant solutions for weight-loss because we are all too lazy to lift our asses up off the couch and run around the block. Harsh, but true.

I’m hoping to blog every Monday this semester about fitness and health tips that have helped me with my own weight loss goals. This week: lemons.

Ask anyone I’ve ever eaten a meal with. It’s not a meal without lemon, either on my food or a few wedges, I’m obsessed. A while after adapting this new habit I noticed my skin cleared up and it pushed me to look a little more into it. The health benefits are endless…who knew! With the magic of lemons, you will get:

BETTER IMMUNE SYSTEM: Lemons, like other citruses, are loaded with Vitamin C! Doctors often recommend taking supplements for Vitamin C on more stressful days because it is the first nutrient to deplete. It also enhances your enzyme function and cleansing your system. Lemons are also a good source of potassium!

BETTER DIGESTION: Loosening toxins throughout your digestive track, lemon juice helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion.

BIG WEIGHT LOSS: Lemon fights against hunger cravings and is a small step toward a cleaner diet.

BETTER BREATH: Citric acid helps relieve toothaches. But try to avoid brushing your teeth close to drinking lemon water – it can erode tooth enamel!

BLEMISH FREE: Antioxidants in lemons decrease blemishes and wrinkles! Get that skin glowing!

BOOSTS YOUR CONCENTRATION AND ENERGY: Lemon juice provides your body with proper energy and the scent of lemons is scientifically proven to have a calming effect, enhancing your concentration.

Anyways, drink up! There really isn’t anything to lose by throwing a few lemons in your water. Unless you don’t like lemons… then that sucks.