Superlative: "Most Likely to Style the Stars"

Fashion, please


The infamous New York fashion industry didn’t intimidate fourth-year fashion merchandising student Sophie Kerr-Dineen when it came to internships in the concrete jungle. “New York always seemed so magical– full of opportunity and interesting people,” says Sophie.

“I applied to about 75-100 magazines and designers the first summer before scoring an interview and landing the internship with Esquire,” says Sophie. “By the second summer, I cut back and applied to around 50 before I was offered three – MTV Networks, Harper’s Bazaar and Dolce.”

Both Esquire and Dolce required long hours, extreme attention to detail and operating under minimal direction with limited time. However, Sophie completed both internships with an outstanding work ethic and a memorable reputation that will lead her to the next big opportunity.

As she reflects back to Dolce, Sophie offers advice for individuals like herself. “They almost didn’t interview me because they knew I wasn’t in New York and were only taking in-person interviews. I told them I would be there the next morning and made sure I was. That’s the attitude you need to have to get these internships, get these jobs and be successful. Work really hard and be extremely humble.”