Adventure is Out There

It’s that time of year. Students waddle into class swaddled in more layers than an 80s haircut, temperature in lecture halls plummet as fast as test scores after a game day and the eyes of students, once bright and filled with hope, begin to glaze over as minds waltz off to a land known as “Is This Semester Over Yet?” Kingdom. The end of semester monotony and mania not only lead the way to the glorious spring semester, but for an overjoyed bunch, the opportunity to study abroad.
With distant and mysterious countries soon becoming near and familiar comes endless possibility to learn, grow, explore and offend countless locals. Chin-up, buttercup! Here are some customs and courtesies to ensure that you’re on your best behavior abroad.

1. When in Australia do as the Aussies and DO NOT LEAVE A TIP! Broke college students rejoice (Yes, I realize that is about everyone reading this post)! At restaurant’s service fees are included in the total of the bill, this combined with the minimum wage being higher than in the states, makes tipping obsolete when dining out.

2. Paris and personal space is a tad different than the good-ole bubble of “no-touchy” space that we cling to in America. DO NOT panic when people you have just met lean in to kiss you,;the explanation for this is far less romantic than you would expect. It is custom and good etiquette to give two bisous, or air kisses with your cheek touching theirs lightly, when greeting one another.

3. In Japan let your inner 5-year-old break free and make as much noise while slurping up noodles as your little heart desires. Slurping noodles is a way of giving compliments to the chef as well as ensuring that all the aroma of that noodle goodness seeps into your happy happy nose. However, don’t let your noodle-happy inner child get carried away and end up sticking chopsticks into a bowl of rice upright. This is done when offering rice to the dead. You are reading this post, therefore you are not dead, so don’t do it.

4. In Brazil no matter how happy you are about your new favorite futbol team scoring a goal, or how delicious you’ve discovered fried plantains are DO NOT give anyone the thumbs up. You’re not being cute, you’re not reassuring anyone, this gesture is the equivalent of flipping the bird in the USA. Save it for someone that actually deserves it.

5. Thailand is a land of beauty, rich cultural traditions, and…a land where it is OK to pick your nose. Yes, nose picking is considered to be perfectly natural and hygienic and it is not uncommon for people to go spelunking for gold (if you catch my drift) even in mid conversation. Remember that inner 5-year- old I mentioned before? This maybe a good time to let them loose again.

Now with this newly attained worldly know how, go forth and enjoy all that the country has to offer. And for goodness sake, don’t make a fool of yourself in the process.

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