Five Points Shuttles: A Wonderful Idea

In light of recent shootings, the university has decided to implement shuttles to and from Five Points on the weekends. In addition, some of the apartment complexes, including the Woodlands, offer such shuttles from their grounds. The majority of apartment complexes already have shuttles in order to take their students to campus on weekdays. But not all of the student apartment complexes have this amenity available on the weekends. This shuttle service is a valuable, and possibly lifesaving, service that should be made available to all of the student apartment complexes.

On their nights downtown, many students make responsible decisions. Many decide on a designated driver before leaving or take a taxi cab. But unfortunately, there are a large number of students who make poor decisions. Drunk driving happens very often and can be a scary thing. When wanting to get home, many drunk students wouldn’t hesitate jumping at a ride, despite how many drinks the driver has had. Often times people get lucky, but this is not always the case.

If students had a safe, reliable ride home, their decisions to get into a car with someone who has been drinking would be lessened greatly. They would know their ride home is someone they can trust. Students pay a great deal of money to live off campus, so it seems to be a service that all of the complexes should offer. If complexes like the Woodlands can do it, it is definitely a feasible option.

In addition to safety, implementing this system could help students save money. Students are already paying their apartment complexes enormous fees in addition to their tuition. A taxi cab to downtown isn’t that expensive, but it can begin to add up. Students are more likely to shy away from this option for that simple fact.

Resident safety should be a priority for apartment complexes. They need to see that if they add this service it would not only make their complex more attractive to future residents, but keep their current residents safe. If some of the complexes can do it, why not all? The owners of these apartments need to take a serious look and see if this is a viable option. Their residents would be more than grateful, but more than that, they will be kept much safer.

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