The Biggest Fashion Fails of the 2000s

Looking back at what we once thought was fashionable is absolutely painful. For unexplainable reasons, we let some C.E.O in a designer suit convince us that in order to be “cool” or to fit in we must have the newest certain item. Many times these latest fashions are cutting edge and make me excited to go out and shop. Other times, they are absolutely atrocious. These are the awful trends that make it into mainstream fashion and eventually lead to agonizing regret. Outfit regret is a terrible, terrible feeling. Hooray consumerism. Hooray America.

These are just a few trends from the 2000s that should have never been created, let alone worn.

1. Crocs

Let me start by saying, it is 2013 and there is still a Croc kiosk in the middle of the Columbiana Mall. Yet another strike for South Carolina fashion. There is no other way of putting this: Crocs are hideous. There is nothing about them that could be considered attractive. If your goal is to die alone, go ahead and invest in a pair of these babies but for all other normal functioning citizens, this is an unacceptable choice in footwear.

2. Silly Bandz

Rubber bands designed to look like words, animals and guitars—and even…the Biebs— caused a frenzy in 2010. This craze led to these simple rubber shapes being banded in many elementary schools because of how distracted the kids were in class, probably over who had that limited addition 24-pack. Worse than that, this fad trickled into the older crowd as well. Even Sarah Jessica Parker was caught with one on her wrist at a red carpet event—shame on you, Carrie Bradshaw.

3. Shutter Shades

Who doesn’t want a pair of glasses that you can barely see out of? No one should. Popular giveaways at proms and Bar Mitzvahs—because nothing says becoming a man like ‘em—Shutter Shades hit the fashion world in 2007. Thanks, Kayne.

4. Vibram Five Fingers

Whoever designed these was angry. Toe socks have taken a backseat in the world of awful fads. They somehow scientifically proved to us that running in freaky frog feet-looking shoes are “better for you.” Okay, so they actually may be right about the benefits, but I don’t care. These shoes should all be burned. Also, dear people have started wearing them around campus. I feel like I’m staring at a bunch of ET fingers. Your feet freak me out. Stop it.

5. Butt-slogan pants

Girls, don’t lie: Whether they said “angel,” “juicy,” “geek” or some random irrelevant word or location, you’ve owned a pair. Who decided that it was okay to use our butts as billboards? This awful way of branding our backsides is still happening on a daily basis. With cooler weather it automatically becomes the season for yoga pants (sadly). Yoga pants are already bad enough… but then a girl turns around and has “PINK” in sequined letters on her butt. Victoria Secret, get it together. Don’t sell $70 workout pants with writing on the back. Also, girls of USC—don’t be that girl.

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