Hashtag #LuLu

#hygenicallychallenged #manchild #cleansupgood #sexualpanther

No Twitter users, these aren’t just mere hashtags. These are just a few of the charming names the app LuLu has in store for you. You males, that is. That’s right boys, your worst nightmare has turned into a very entertaining reality. Lulu is an application that allows girls to link their Facebook to rate and review guys. From questions about pickup lines, manners, appearance, ambition and commitment- all your previous or current relations are now in the form of 1-5 stars.

Crazy ex-girlfriends, current flings, that girl from Pavs…they all have complete anonymous access. LuLu has been around for a bit now, but if you haven’t heard about it I’m sure your itching to see what your fellow females have to say about you. Well that’s unfortunate. By linking your Facebook account, the app already knows your gender. Hence, boys are completely restricted. And if stalking couldn’t get any more creepy or accessible, once a girl “favorites” your Lulu page, she automatically gets notifications on who’s reviewed you. Remember the good old days of going on dates to get to someone? Well now they know if you’re a 2.5 before you even get to ask.

Entertaining, yes. Funny, absolutely. This app is just for fun and personally I’m an advocate for using your own judgement. Ladies, lets just hope chivalry isn’t dead. For the boys who killed it in the first place- stick to Tinder.

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