Electives: Friend or Foe?

All students know those classes they take that feel like a huge waste of time. They are just another class they need to worry about, often times made worse because they could really care less about the subject. Are these classes really worth it for students to stress over? It seems like they give students more work and things to be concerned with than it is actually worth.

Most schools pride themselves in giving their students a wide breadth of courses to study. They make their students take a wide variety of electives and fine arts in order to make them well-rounded. But most students take courses they have no interest in, simply to fill the requirement.

Non-major classes like this seem like they shouldn’t be too difficult. It would make sense for the focus to be less on these courses than major classes. But many professors don’t apply this idea in their courses. They assign enormous amounts of work and information that students only retain in order to pass the course. They then often forget this information immediately, as it is no use to them in the careers they are preparing for. Students stress about these classes far more than seems necessary. It doesn’t seem likely that a nursing major will ever find an introduction to music class important in the long run.

College is expensive, and students should be able to get through it as quickly as possible. Nowadays, many college students have extended their time in college to about five years. It has become harder to graduate in four years. It would be much less expensive if students could get out quicker by taking only the classes they need. Instead of padding their schedules with useless electives, it seems like it would be more helpful to take only the necessary classes.

It is understandable that universities think students will be well-rounded after taking electives and fine arts. But students shouldn’t be forced to take useless classes that take up so much time. Students should be able to take these classes if they wish to, but if not they shouldn’t have to spend extra time in school simply to fulfill these requirements. It is hard for students to balance these subjects when they should be focusing on their more important classes. Schools need to see what is really important for their students to learn and what is just a waste of time.

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