Carolina for Dummies: Moving Out

Finals are finally over and summer’s within reach, but there’s still one more hurdle to jump over: moving out. Somehow over the past year your belongings have expanded three times in size. What seems to be a daunting task is actually lot easier than you think. Just know what to take, what to stash and what to trash.

TAKE: You may feel the need to take everything in your dorm or apartment home with you, but unless you want to rent a U-haul and drive home without being able to look out your back window, it’s best if you only take the essentials. If you don’t absolutely need it over the summer, don’t take it.
• Clothes- Chances are, if you pack something away in storage over the summer, at one point, you’ll want/need it. Aside from big cable-knit sweaters and Ugg boots, you never know what will pop up during the summer, so get some air-tight bags and bring your clothes home.

STASH: It may seem like a waste of money to pay for a storage unit for the summer, but truthfully IT IS TOTALLY WORTH THE MONEY. You will sigh in relief when you get back to Columbia and all of your large, obnoxious belongings are quietly tucked away in your own temperature-controlled unit.
• Furniture- That’s pretty self explanatory.
• Storage containers- Unless you’re using them to move, store all your sock drawers and under-bed containers.
• Towels/shower curtain-These may not be the first items that come to your mind to store, but it does save a good amount of car room. Just make sure to wash your towels after their summer hibernation.
• Fall/winter clothes- No one needs their Uggs (since Uggs were already used maybe try something else – parkas, fluffy winter coats, scarves, etc – just a thought) in the summer, so leave them behind. The chunky sweaters and cords are just space takers during break.
• Picture/Decorations- In order to save room and prevent pictures from breaking in a packed car, survive the summer in a slightly bare room at home.
• Kitchen supplies- Again, no need to take a chance breaking plates when they can stay soundly in a cardboard box.
• Binders/ School supplies: Unless you really want to look at your old notes during summer break…
TRASH: College is the worst place to be a hoarder. Apartments, dorms and houses just don’t have enough room for extra junk. So take a deep breath and throw away some of the unnecessary clutter.
• Shower shoes- One year is a long enough lifespan for your damp shower shoes. They are cheap enough to replace.
• Unnecessary poster- Although you may have really been into One Direction your first semester, your obsession has now faded. Time to bring in some new and exciting decorations.
• Old clothes- For some, it’s difficult to part with pieces of a wardrobe, but the end of the year is the perfect time to thoroughly go through clothes and donate the things you never wore.
• Old bedding- Hopefully you didn’t spend too much money on your comforter that is now covered in Easy-Mac and red Gatorade. If it’s too grimy to cuddle with, ditch your bedding and start fresh