What is a Circus? The Quest for True Beauty

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you don’t have to see with your eyes to know beauty.

When you are a “natural beauty,” it’s something you were born with. You wake up to it. It’s nothing they worked for. We tend to judge folks by their physical beauty. The more physically beautiful we think they are, the more positive traits we give them. We treat them better. We favor them.

Have you ever thought about how it must feel to be a “freak?” You know, what they use to call 17th century circus performers— the outcasts of society, the people “we” deem defective.

Many of you would probably be shocked to know that the modern day circus was started by exploiting those with deformities and genetic disorders.

Have you ever imagined how it must feel to be human and not treated as such?

It’s true story time:

There was a woman who was once called bear, hybrid human orangutan, an ape, the bearded and hairy woman, missing link, etc. That is how her captors marketed her. She was the subject of scientific experiments and even after her death, her body was a continued display in carnivals, fairs, “freak” shows and museums alike. Born in 1834 Julia Pastrana and indigenous Cáhita North American was sold into slavery at birth. She spent her life (and death) as a performer.

They called Julia a freak because she suffered from several deformities and genetic conditions… things that, in her time, were given no scientific name or diagnosis.

Julia spent her 26 years on Earth with hardships many will never understand. Julia was never admired for her fluency in three languages (written and spoken). Julia didn’t have fans because of her golden soprano voice. Julia was never praised for mastery many forms of dance (flamingo included). She was just a freak. A “performing monkey.” A side show novelty. Cousin It.

On Feb. 12, 2013, Julia’s—the woman, the human, the person—body was finally laid to rest after having been nothing but a money-making display for more than 190 years!

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you don’t have to see with your eyes to know beauty.

The old folks say that beauty is as beauty does.

There is beauty in perseverance, and dedication and in courage.

There is beauty in love.

I know beauty is found in kindness and compassion.

Beauty is an action word. It can only be seen in action.

Now, I have a question: Are you a beautiful person or do you deserve to be ridiculed in circus?

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