Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

Laughter is the best medicine. It’s one of those phrases you’ve heard over and over again across the span of your lifetime, and it’s one you’ll probably hear many more times before the end of it. But is it true?

Actually, yes, this particular old wise tale is scientifically proven. Laughter has been proven to do
several things for the body:

Laughter relaxes the whole body. Just one good bout of laughter can relieve enough physical tension and stress from your body to leave your muscles relaxed for over 45 minutes. It does this by starting the stress response which increases your heart rate and blood pressure, and then slowly cooling back down which leaves you with a relaxed feeling. And have you ever laughed so hard your sides hurt? Laughter stimulates circulation in your muscles, which as they come back down from that reduce the physical symptoms of stress.

Laughter boosts the immune system. When you laugh, you decrease the hormone that causes you stress and increases the immune cells in your body as well as infection-fighting antibodies. These cells and antibodies improve your immune system and keep you from getting sick as easily. Some have even said just the positive feeling correlated with laughter helps to release neuropeptides that help to fight stress and prevent even more serious illnesses.

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the number one chemical in the body that causes us to feel good. Laughter releases a rush of endorphins that promotes a feeling of well-being.

Laughter has also been cited as being able to relieve pain for a while as it causes the body to produce natural painkillers. As well, laughter stops the pain-spasm cycle that is common in many muscle disorders.

Laughter protects the heart. When you laugh, you’re improving the function of your blood vessels which in turn increases blood flow through them. This helps to protect your heart from a heart attack or other cardiovascular problems. You’re also enhancing the flow of oxygen rich air into your body which not only stimulates your heart, but your lungs and the rest of your body’s muscles as well.

Quite literally laughter is the best medicine. So, when you’re feeling down and out, or that you might be catching a cold, go look up some videos for your favorite comedian. Laugh for about 10-15 minutes and save yourself from having to use money to buy medicine from the drugstore!

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